The Best Day Ever!” Photo sessions are meant to be fun for everyone.

At the planning meeting from Step 1 of the Photo Session Roadmap we talked in detail about the location choice, your pet’s personality and motivations, and safety.

Finally the big day arrives and we all meet at the planned location. Weather is perfect, the dogs are ready, and I have my wagon full of equipment. 

From here I take over and you simply follow my lead!

How long will set up take? My assistant, Frank, and I talk tech to work the lights, camera, and other equipment as you and your pets hang out together. If we are in the studio everything will be set up before you arrive.

How will we get the photo we want? Once we are all set up I will gently and calmly guide you and your pet into the ideal spot, light and pose. Frank and I have years of experience and use all kinds of tricks and motivation to generate the look and expression we want. We bring out treats or the highest value toys at the last possible moment to try to avoid the sometimes too intense look in dog’s eyes. We also have a variety of silly sounds. We do what it takes while keeping you and your pets happy, safe and praised the entire time.

What if my dog isn’t trained? No worries! Most dogs are happy family dogs, not necessarily blue ribbon award winning obedience champions. We know that and use all our skills and experience to coax your pets into positions and expressions. I’ve photographed 1000s of shelter dogs and cats and 100s of client dogs and cats so I am prepared! 

How long will the session be? Typically sessions are about an hour but set aside two hours. Depending on how far we explore the area or how many backdrop changes in the studio is one factor in how long the session will be. Another factor is how comfortable or active your pet is. Sometimes dogs and cats need time to either acclimate or calm down. And lastly the number of pets and people are a big consideration. Everyone needs their time to shine and organizing large groups takes finesse. I do not set a time limit on the session so don’t feel rushed. I also am very efficient and experienced so it won’t take half a day either.

How many photos will you take? The short answer is as many as we need. Number of pets, variety of locations or backdrops, props used and people included all change the final amount. There will be plenty of variety.

When will I see the images: It takes about 1-2 weeks for editing. From there we will schedule a meeting back at the studio to view and order what you want.

Note: You and your pet will be tired  after a session. Often dogs will flop down for a long nap at home. I also suggest you treat yourself to a nice coffee or nap afterwards too. You deserve it!

Next week I will dive in deeper into Step 3- The Ordering Meeting. We cover what to expect at the viewing and ordering meeting back at the studio. Be sure to check out my video clips on the Instagram page too.

If you are ready to jump into the first step all you need to do is schedule a FREE planning meeting . I will walk you through all the steps.