COVID caught up to me last week just after returning from my trip. After 8 days sick I am finally sitting at my desk.
We had a wonderful time with visiting family in mid June. Our long awaited wedding reception brought a perfect Colorado day all our loved ones enjoyed.
A couple days later I flew off to Georgia for Grammy Camp with little Henry and to prepare for the new little one coming next month.
I had barely settled in at work after 4th of July when I thought I had a summer cold. With rapidly developing symptoms I asked Steve to grab a test kit so I could reassure myself it was indeed a cold. No such luck.
Immediately I isolated and spent the next week in my room. Luckily Steve, Emi, Amber, Henry or anyone else I knew were NOT infected by me. Whew!
While at the airport and on the planes I wore a mask and I’ve been vaccinated. But the sneaky Rona found me. While I felt like garbage I never had a moment I felt I needed hospitalization.
Next week I will be resuming meetings and sessions after what seems like forever. Keeping myself away from others, especially vulnerable people, for the full 10 days post positive result is high priority. After 10 days the CDC says I should not be contagious but I will continue to wear a mask next week.
I’ve sincerely missed you and can’t wait to see you again 🙂
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