Cat Photography 101 SaleDrum roll please….Cat Photography 101 is now available!

15 page e-book

60 minutes of video instruction

only $49!

This course is perfect for Bloggers, cat rescues and fosters, and cat lovers everywhere.

Even if you are an experience photographer you will learn my tricks for the unique subject of our feline friends. Cats have specific challenges and needs that differ widely from photographing anything or anyone else.

Topics covered:

  1. Top 3 Pet Photography Tips Before Ever Picking Up a Camera
  2. Choosing Cameras. dSLR vs cellphone
  3. Backgrounds. Environment vs “studio”
  4. Lighing. Natural, continuous, and speedlight
  5. Camera settings
  6. Attention Grabbers. Taste/Smell, Visual, Audio
  7. 5 Go-To Images to build your portfolio
  8. Post Production tips and apps
  9. Extras

Have your notepads ready, this course is jam packed with tips, resources and examples!