Looking into the blank slate of 2022 I contemplate my “Word of the Year”. This word will help anchor me in business and personal life to my intentions. I add it to my corkboard and my desktop wallpaper. Whenever I feel a bit lost or overwhelmed I can simply refer to this word and the direction becomes more clear.

This year I’ve decided to choose a “Being” word instead of a “Doing” word. Past words have been “Thrive”, “Build”, and “Unify”. These are all “Doing” words. They reminded me of what I want to do throughout the year. But they didn’t provoke a feeling or consider my way of Being.

What I had done was simply choose an easy word. A word around something I was already planning on upholding.

The year of Unify was when I married my sweet Steve. Unify our relationship and also unify my brand message.

The year of Build was building on that marriage and building up my business offerings. 

The year of Thrive got a little closer. I shed old mindsets of scarcity and allowed myself to believe I could thrive.

But none of these were a stretch. None shaped who I wanted to be in the world and how I wanted my life to feel.

During my month off in December I had time to let my 2022 word bubble to the surface from my unconcious. 

A word I want to live by but actually need reminders to implement often eventually formed.


For me Calm means deliberate, intentional, thoughtful, slow, caring and centering

In a frantic, fast paced, unstable world I find I need Calm more than ever.

This word will be a reminder to take a breath before diving into work, to take a slower pace at photo sessions, to be intentional with my content and my offerings. It will remind me to take breaks, to be patient with myself and others, and to react slowly.

I will let you know how it goes throughout the year. 

Do you choose a word or phrase for the year? I would love to know what it is and why!

My calendar is opened to new photo and video projects now and I would love to have a calm, no-pressure consult with you. Click here to pick a date.

Enjoy these calm photos of past clients. Deep breath, ahhhhh.